Saturday, September 28, 2013

old fashioned cooking

Back to old fashioned cooking
When a friend sent me 'Rots'. Thick rotis with designs embossed on them dipped in ghee. They tasted out of this world. The secret lay in cooking it slowly on sigri. Great I also started experimenting. Ever faithful Guddu was more than happy. We bought kilos of koyla and found a spot near the garage. Inaugurated it with dum ki chole biryani. It was made in huge quantities but it improved with each day. 

This was the final product. Added on was a dash of lime and a slice of onion.
It was garnished with some mint leaves.
Just for memory's sake the little achar jug I won in some game in the Ladies' Club and is filled with mango pickle that yet another friend gifted me.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bong Mom's CookBook: The Indian Fish Curry with tomatoes, coriander and mint

Bong Mom's CookBook: The Indian Fish Curry with tomatoes, coriander and mint

Kindle publishing

“Anybody who writes a book is an optimist. First of all, they think they're going to finish it. Second, they think somebody's going to publish it. Third, they think somebody's going to read it. Fourth, they think somebody's going to like it. How optimistic is that?"

~Margaret Atwood

So yet another attempt to be read by the general public. Hope this time there are more and more people enthralled.
available at

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Rs.500 creeper

I was conned into 

paying this huge amount for this delightful creeper with one crimson bud on it. I was told it is one of its kind.I call it my Rs. 500 creeper
It bloomed in my absence and I had it trained to entwine it with the orange tree. Now the maali decided to trim the orange tree and callously cut off the climber which had buds on it. With the scorching sun light the leaves were baked a brown colour and shriveled. I have learnt to be stoic and hope that the rains (they have been irregular despite the met department shout that monsoons have arrived before time) will see them sprout new buds again. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Children grow up so fast

My Thakurma gang. There’s Mishti aged three, Sia -5 clinging on to Purva 11 and Tulsi 9. Missing are the toddlers Choudhary sahib 13 months and Anvi a few days older. So you can imagine the amount of noise and energy we generate. Now they have all grown a little bigger, but still young enough to remain firm friends. Purva has joined a boarding school and the two little ones have also begun school! It’s another matter that they spend more time in the bath room, but that is also a training of sorts. Abir loves being the Hanuman turning all cushions into sanjivni booti and Ball doll is big enough to wander off on her own and ask penetrating questions like 'Thaku Maa aapki mamma kahan hai?'

Mishti in her Christmas best. This tiny one came and commanded 'no Thaku Daa no biting nails'. An old friend was amazed at her confidence.

Choudhary Saheb decided to dress up in his sister's fancy frocks. He looked like a cross dresser.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Meow Billi

Meow Billi is what we call him. He decided to adopt us. It all began with his coming and demanding milk morning and evening from Guddu. One evening Guddu ignored his cries and continued to sleep. He came to the door of the room I was sitting and complained. I had to get up and shout for G to do the needful. Ever since we chat, and he sprawls himself on the cool grass. But he has a habit of catching my birds when they are relaxing in the bird bath or on the trees. Then we have to shoo him away. No relationship is without a conflict. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kerala in our lives

Kerala Biryani

 and the coasters that I picked up from market near  Islington called Angel. What was so special was that little son loved it and demands it to be made once a week.
It has a lot of coconut milk , curry leaves. Kaju fried and paneer.

It was specially served on a plate that has historical value. This was part of three plates that I found in Spitalfield market. Its of 1960’s vintage and had been used as show pieces. I insisted that I want to actually eat in it. So the glue was scrubbed off and even my Guddu very nervously added that it was rather heavy. So that was the first and probably last I will see it on my dining table unless I remember again about it.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Summer of 2013

Hyde Park 

one of our favourite destinations that filled me joy at being surrounded by tall lush trees were bare with buds just peeping out. This was a summer when I saw snow fall, shivered within layers of woolens and prayed for the winds to stay calm for sometime.
Despite the weather we ventured out to eat at Spaghetti House for our authentic Italian dinner. We as usual forgot to click the desserts that I can still savour even now.
Back to the Indian Summer and we are scurrying from the sun!